I recently became the proud owner of a bad haircut. It’s true! And I had such high hopes for it.
I have naturally pretty curly hair, so sometimes if you style it just right, it coils up real tight and is way, way shorter than intended.
Even the hairdresser (who, it must be mentioned was having A VERY BAD DAY ALREADY—like, she got a nosebleed mid-haircut and couldn’t get it to stop) couldn’t hide her reaction. I had been head-down as she scrunched and blow-dried, then I flipped up and caught her reaction in the mirror…
I do not blame her! I blame the mysterious coils and their dark web of lies and mystery! She did quickly say she thought it was very cute and I assured her that I thought so too.
After I got home from the cut, my youngest kept giving me looks all day. After a few hours of sideways glances, he finally bestowed his honest opinion.
To which I said, “Are you joking?” And he said, “Sadly, I am not joking.”
The child is unflinchingly honest, which I actually admire very much. He’s still working on not hurting other people’s feelings, which is understandable. We’re all still working on that.
I keep reminding myself: it’s only hair! It will grow back! Some people don’t get to have haircuts, because they don’t have hair, or they don’t have person to cut it, or money to pay for it.
Also some people are dead and they can’t get haircuts at all. When Annie got sick, her hair came out in knots. It never grew back.
Anyway, it’s not that bad of a haircut. I’m starting to like it!
See? I feel like it’s giving both Inigo Montoya and Fezzik from the Princess Bride, and in that way it’s got a kind of abused henchman/medieval peasant vibe that seems to work for these late capitalist times.
In other news, I am hard at work on the Huge Commission that is currently taking up all my time (an artist’s gotta eat!) so that’s why these posts have slowed a little. Plus, it’s summer! I just got back from a three-week trip! And I have a gloriously huge bowl of a chair in the yard and I am committed to living in it for several hours a week. When I’m not drawing, I’m in the chair—reading or pretending to read with my eyes closed.
It’s a dream.
But, the chair hasn’t been getting as much action lately, because I returned from my travels with a souvenir: a mild case of COVID. So I’m writing this to you from the confines of my bedroom, where I’m eating cold tempeh from a bowl that was prepared several hours ago by my husband. It’s wild being in a room all by myself, especially after spending the summer with so many kids, pets, and people around. I’m alone! I’m uninterruptible! I’m getting so much done! I forgot to eat the tempeh!
I do have to pause for naps and nose-blowing occasionally, so it’s not all progress, but I’m glad it’s a mild case. I’ll be back amongst the peoples in no time.
Until then, I’m sincerely yours with the weird hair and the magical chair,
💇🏻Becca Lee, Haunted Librarian💇🏻
😂 idk I kinda like the hair
Is this why I haven’t seen you? You’re hiding the hair?